Community Research

Community Research

Research and production of a book summarizing representative communities in Tokyo and around the world.

-New project managed by Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.-

2022. Jul


 Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. envisioned a membership community for corporations to promote sustainable business in the urban development of the OMY area in its “Long-Term Management Plan 2030. This is a research of unique communities in Japan and abroad to serve as a reference.


To establish Japan’s first community in the area of sustainability.


We have compiled information on communities around the world in a comparable format to make it easier for you to consider the elements you would like to incorporate into your new community.


・Researching communities in Tokyo, Europe and the U.S.

・Organize and propose features to be incorporated into the new community.


We were able to create a basis for discussion on what the value criteria will be when many partners join this project in the future.

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