Business Guide Book

Business Guide Book

Publication of a business guidebook for Japanese companies doing business in the Netherlands, which offers a perspective based on a network of various organizations.




Project / Business Management

Request from JETRO. Production of a research guidebook with information that Japanese companies need to know when expanding overseas.


To provide useful information for Japanese companies looking to enter the European market for the first time, and to dispel any concerns or worries they may have.


The Netherlands is well known as the location of the headquarters and European branch offices of many international companies. The Netherlands has a market that extends to every country in Europe, and the environment in which business can be conducted in English is also attractive. Nevertheless, first-time investors in Europe may feel uneasy and worried. We had deep discussions with JETRO staff and conducted research on market trends, differences in people’s awareness, and cultural differences from the standpoint of Japanese companies wishing to expand their business into Europe. The results were compiled into a business guidebook.


・ Planning and development

・Market research

・Writing and shooting

・Editorial and design


We were the one-stop shop for planning, research, design, and printing, resulting in a research book that not only provides detailed information about the Netherlands, but is also edited from a European perspective. The result is an indispensable guide for Japanese companies seeking to develop new business in the Netherlands.

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