New Product Market Research-vol01

New Product Market Research-vol.1

Design research project in 3 countries for potential customers for new product development




A request by a major housing equipment manufacturer. In order to develop a new product, we provided an overview of the product to the intended user base and conducted interview research. Working with a Dutch research firm, we also produced materials for the research plan.


To obtain real opinions from potential customers in three countries around the world to help major manufacturers develop new products.


Beyond the value of conventional products, we sought realistic opinions about potential desires, requests, and usability, such as yesterday and usability necessary to lead a fulfilling lifestyle.


・Design and market research

・Planning and production of research materials (product photography, functional introduction materials, movies)


In addition to planning and producing the materials necessary for the research, we conducted design and market research targeting potential customers in collaboration with a Dutch design research firm and a service design team.

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