Vision Making Workshop

Vision Making Workshop

Planning and conducting workshops to develop a vision statement for the manufacturer.




This is a new project that has just begun for a major housing equipment manufacturer. A workshop was held with development members to create a vision and statement that would serve as the starting point for the development of the project.


This is a new project that has just begun for a major housing equipment manufacturer. Because the project was long-term and involved many people, it was necessary to verbalize the future image that the client wanted to realize and to provide a starting point for development.


The company’s vision and the “GOOD” it wants to offer consumers are put into words that are easy to understand. Our goal was to put them into an easy-to-understand statement.


・Workshop planning and facilitation

・Vision Statement Production


The workshop started with brainstorming sessions to discuss the future and the “character” of the company with the people involved in the project, and then a high-density workshop was held to verbalize the vision into a statement based on the ideas and keywords that emerged from the workshop. The client company will give shape to this vision as a product, which we may see in our daily lives in the future.

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